

Creativity In Movement/Technique/Choreography

If you got to the certain point in your dancing but don't know where to go next ...
If you need some advice concerning teaching methods ...
If you need a fruitful discussion about your idea or project before you start working on it...
If you are in the middle of your project but you’ve hit the wall and don't know how to proceed ...
If you just need a second pair of experienced eyes to review your work for constructive feedback before you publish it ...
If you’ve already done the project and you need some constructive feedback so when you move to your next one your horizons will be wider ...

 If the answer to any of those questions is yes, congratulations. It means that you are ready to grow.
I can provide you with individual mentorship catered to your needs.
As you can see from my portfolio my experience is covering so many different fields of dancing so I'll be happy to share it with you.

We can meet in person or talk online. This can be a longer process or one time session, depending on what you need and want.
Don't hesitate to contact me on


Impressions / part 2

Impressions / part 1